Climate Activist and Sustainable Architect's Dream Home

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Recently I had the honor of interviewing homeowner Becky Cavanagh and architect Gayle Borst of Stewardship Inc., while filming and touring this beautiful, tranquil, healthy, sustainable home outside of Austin, Texas. The Compressed Earth Block main house and Straw Bale guest house they created together is a peaceful oasis that Becky and her family get to enjoy every single day. When you step into this home, you feel the peace, calmness, and tranquility that has been created by a very talented architect whose passion is to protect our health, our environment, and our planet, using local natural building products. Yes, natural elements literally scooped out of the ground and modeled into blocks created the main house while local straw bales created the envelope for the guest house.

The main house, built of Compressed Earth Block (CEB), is designed to last. Major storms have traveled through the area since this home was built, and there has been no damage. The architect expects the house to stand for over 500 years. The Earth Block creator for this home, Jim Hallock, might quip that he guarantees his CEB homes for the first 1000 years, and to come get him in 900 years if he is wrong 😊. Interior and exterior walls are beautifully and skillfully plastered. The main ingredients for both the main home and the guest house on this oasis are clay, sand, and straw, with local and reclaimed wood used for floors, cabinets, and stunning lintels.

The property hosts a rainwater catchment system for domestic and landscape water. It has a food garden, solar, and a highly efficient mini-split AC system for a mission of net-zero energy for the property. The build goals for the homes were to use materials that do not off-gas, materials that do not put toxic chemicals into the air that the homeowner’s breath, all while reducing the effects of climate change.

The vision of the homeowner, a Climate Activist, and a dedicated sustainable architect created this sanctuary for healthy living. The outstanding craftsmanship, natural products, and architecture make this an exceptional home.

Green For A Reason by Our Life Logs

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| This is the 499th story of Our Life Logs |

My name is Catherine, and I grew up in a tiny village in Ireland in the 1970s. My dad and brother worked on our farm while my mom owned and operated the local grocery store. Our house was attached to the store, so, naturally, as a child and as a young adult, I spent a lot of time in the store, helping mom. To keep the store looking fresh, mom replaced the vinyl floor every couple of years. Dad raised all our food on the farm, so preservatives rarely made it into our diets. We were a healthy, happy family.

After secondary school, I attended college in Dublin to study fashion design, where I had the opportunity to spend a summer in the US on a student visa. That summer, I discovered that the fashion industry in New York was way more advanced compared to Ireland’s, so, as soon as I finished college in 1990, I jumped on the first plane to New York to pursue my dreams.

The fashion industry was challenging to break into, but eventually an internship led to a full-time job and my life in New York started to come together. For the next decade, my career thrived, but I realized it was an exhausting time. I longingly thought back to the days of working in Mom’s store and seeing all of the backpackers who came through there. I realized that while I enjoyed my time in fashion, I really wanted to do something else—travel. Shortly afterwards, I quit my job and started backpacking the world.

I traveled every continent except Antarctica, and every place I visited, I stayed long enough to absorb its culture.  In 2003, I visited Seville in southern Spain. Wanting to experience the culture as much as possible, I signed up for a class to learn Spanish. It was through the school that I met Don, an incredible roommate, who would later become my wonderful husband.

In 2004, after finishing our language studies, we returned to the US together and settled in Austin, Texas, where Don’s family lived. Soon, Don proposed, and of course, I said yes! After years of seeing the world, I was ready to start this new chapter of my life. Little did we know that it wasn’t going to be a smooth ride.

Shortly after moving to Austin, I went for a regular mammogram check-up. I thought nothing of it, of course. Until the exam brought horrible news.

“Catherine, you have cancer,” my doctor told me. “I’m so sorry.”

In that moment, it felt like time screeched to a halt. I was completely blind-sided as there were no warning signs. “How is that possible?” I asked. “I’m only in my 30s! I’m active, I’m healthy…I’m supposed to be getting married soon!” I answered in disbelief.

My panic subsided slightly when the doctor said, “Luckily, we caught your cancer early. If we take you into surgery, we have a good chance of successfully getting rid of it.”

My heart was beating rapidly as the days passed until my surgery. Thankfully, the surgeons were able to successfully remove all of the cancer, and I was given a second chance at life. The recovery was tough but short, and life continued as usual. Don and I finally got married, and we spent the next decade enjoying our new life together, cancer-free.

Looking back, I didn’t fully appreciate the gravity of the situation and the gift that life had given me. I didn’t consider that there was a risk of resurgence and that I needed to make some major changes in the way I lived to protect my body. But eventually, life nudged me to learn my lesson.

At age 45, I went for another routine mammogram. Since the cancer had been taken out all those years ago, I thought little of these appointments. But I shouldn’t have sat in that comfort.

My doctor sighed and said, “Catherine, the news is not good.”

I knew what was going to be said before the words exited her lips. My cancer had returned. And with this news came a deafening silence as I sat in shock, while off in the distance I heard the words, “chemotherapy”, “radiation” and “mastectomy.” My doctor talked and explained, but my mind had checked out from the shock.

I was brought back to the present when she said, “Would you like me to refer you to some doctors?” That’s when I knew this second time was going to be more severe. This time, they may not be able to kill it before it kills me.

I’d been given a second chance at life. I never took that fact as seriously as I should have. Now, my life was potentially ending, and I hadn’t even done all the things I’d wanted to yet. Would I ever grow old with my husband? Would I ever get to retire? I was terrified. I loved my life with Don and I didn’t want it to end. I had to do what I could to fight!

To help my condition, I started researching my options. Although, it is hard to research when you are in panic mode. MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston was closer, but I decided to attend Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was an eight-hour drive from Austin, but I wanted the best possible care. CTCA provided a more holistic approach to treatment and recovery which I thought would give me a better chance at survival.

The first time we drove to CTCA, I had a panic attack in the last hour of the drive.

“I don’t think I can do this,” I cried.

Don was calm and supportive. “We can turn around if you want to,” he said as he pulled off the road.

“I can’t do this. Let’s go back home,” I answered.

Hearing the trepidation in my voice, Don started the seven-hour drive back to Austin. On the way, however, we talked more about the treatment and how it was the best option. Talking about it with Don put me at ease, and eventually, I decided to go through with the chemotherapy.

Over a period of four months, Don and I drove to Tulsa every other weekend. We would leave Austin on Thursday afternoon to make it to CTCA for my Friday chemo session. We would stay there Saturday to give me a day’s rest and return to Austin on Sunday.

This time around, the treatment and recovery were brutal. While the first four rounds of chemotherapy went as planned, I had a terrible reaction to the fifth and sixth rounds. After those rounds, I couldn’t walk or sit without the help of a wheelchair. The doctors weren’t sure if I would ever fully recover and walk again. The effect on my body was so debilitating, it was unclear if I’d even make it out alive this time. The thought of potentially dying was ghastly, and I was flooded with guilt. I had treated my second gift of life frivolously and now, a third chance at life seemed unlikely.

Still, I wasn’t ready to give up. And with Don by my side, I fought tirelessly with what little energy I still had. All that fighting and all those tears eventually paid off when one day, after finishing my chemotherapy and radiation, the doctor gave me good news.

“There is no [cancer] evidence detected,” he told me. “Just so you know, we don’t know if that means the cancer is gone completely or we just don’t have the machines capable of detecting it yet.”

I balled my eyes out and fell into Don’s arms. Those words were invaluable to me. Most people don’t get a second chance, and here I was on my third. This time, I fully understood that even though the cancer was gone, I was still at a huge risk of recurrence. I needed to not only live life to the fullest, but also get a better understanding for why I had a recurrence and how I could prevent yet another one.

I soon learned that genetics are responsible for only about 10% of all cancer cases, whereas the remaining 90% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle—conditions that are often within our control. Not surprisingly, CTCA emphasized one environmental factor that we have a lot of jurisdiction over—what we eat. I had always considered myself a healthy eater. Since Dad had a farm and raised most of our food, we made most of our meals from scratch. When I came to the U.S., I would go to Mrs. Green’s organic supermarket to stock up on organic ingredients and produce. While traveling around the world, most places I stayed had kitchens where I was able to cook my meals. But in my research, I found that veganism can also help reduce the chances of cancer recurring. I realized that even though I ate well, I could still improve my diet quite a bit, and I started following veganism much more rigorously.

In addition, I found that our home environments often have toxic chemicals that contribute to cancer. There is strong evidence that the toxic off-gassing released by vinyl flooring causes cancer. Reading this, I was immediately transported back to mom’s grocery store. Every few years she replaced the vinyl on the shop floors. I had spent hours daily standing on those brand-new vinyl floors; I can still smell the smell. Perhaps it was no coincidence then that I had cancer…twice.

I was flooded with feelings of anger when I discovered this—not at my mom, but at the manufacturers. Why would they produce something so toxic and allow people to put it in their homes and offices? Vinyl floors aren’t the only danger though. We are surrounded by perfectly legal yet extremely toxic items in our home environments, like air fresheners that contain toxic chemicals.

Fortunately, I learned that there are many safe alternatives available. As I removed the toxic chemicals from our home, I started to build up a directory of green professionals and products, such as homebuilders who used natural materials and stores that sell safe products. It was then that I realized how much of a need there is to share this information with others. Perhaps this is what I was meant to do with my third opportunity at life?

Understanding how much help others need in detoxifying their homes motivated me to start my company, Green For A Reason, in 2014. The company provided me with a platform to become a storyteller and an educator. Taking one step at a time—I’m trying to change the way people think about every aspect of their lives, from the homes that they live in, to the lotion that they use. I believe this is my calling. If someone with this knowledge had been there to advocate for my health and safety back in my childhood, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten this horrific disease twice.

Since life has given me three opportunities, I’m doing all I can to make this one count. Often though, we don’t get three opportunities. We get one, maybe two if we are lucky. So I ask you to consider, what are you doing with your current opportunity? If the answer isn’t what you’d want it to be, I encourage you to change paths and follow your dreams and callings, because we never know how long we have.

This is the story of Catherine O’Toole

Catherine is the founder and owner of Green For A Reason, a company that empowers consumers to easily find environmentally safe, sustainable products and experienced green professionals dedicated to building less toxic homes. She is a speaker, consultant, health advocate, environmental warrior, and a storyteller, teaching people about cancer and other disease-causing chemicals in their homes. After surviving breast cancer twice and realizing that toxic chemicals in her home may have caused her illness, she now shares tips and knowledge with others on how to easily remove some of these toxic chemicals from our daily environments. Catherine currently lives in Austin, Texas and loves rowing on Lady Bird Lake on the weekends with fellow cancer survivors who are all members of Capital of Texas Team Survivor of which Catherine is President. 

Learn more about Green For A Reason at:

This story first touched our hearts on December 30, 2019.

| Writer: Joanna Tychowski | Editor: Kristen Petronio |

A Healthy Home and Minimalism!

Minimalism: a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity

-Merriam Webster 

Minimalist: a person who exists with few possessions

-Urban Dictionary


What does being a minimalist entail? It’s not selling everything you own, but more of ridding the excess to gain a different perspective on life. A minimalist: A person who owns little. Many claim that being a minimalist can help you live more in the moment, experience real freedom and help you discover purpose. However it can also teach us the value of our belongings, our time and the art of simplicity, by choosing to live a life with few possessions and simple materials. We believe in being practical, enjoying what you own, having a connection with the things you love and combining minimalism with a healthier lifestyle.

We encourage you to own less, create new habits, which will create more time for your passions.

Do you feel you have clutter in your home?

Would you like to do more for the environment?

Do you want to live in a non-toxic environment?


The following are a few suggestions that may help you take steps to become a minimalist:

1. Spring cleaning: clean out all of your unnecessary junk, unworn clothes, and other miscellaneous objects. Donate, sell, and or recycle! Remember, the less you own, the more you are able to focus on other important aspects of your life.

2. Replacing or purchasing an item?  Buy eco-friendly, sustainable, organic, toxic-free products, whether it is a mattress, bed linens, furniture, flooring, or just simply painting a room.

3. When purchasing new products, ask yourself, do I really need this? How does it add value to my life?

4. Purchase items that are well made and don’t have to be replaced over and over again.

5. Refuse to bring products into your home that have been manufactured with cancer causing chemicals like formaldehyde, vinyl chloride and benzene.


There’s nothing wrong with owning material things, but by limiting ourselves, we are able to discover the world beyond our possessions and find that same satisfaction through living a purpose-driven life.

Give these healthy minimalism tips a try and let us know what you think!

- Victoria Edwards



Facts Behind the Fiber: Organic Cotton

“Organic cotton is cotton that is produced and certified to organic agricultural standards. Its production sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people by using natural processes rather than artificial inputs. Importantly organic cotton farming does not allow the use of toxic chemicals or GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Instead, it combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote a good quality of life for all involved.”

Recently I was informed that chemicals do not contaminate cotton, because the boll (the seed pod of the cotton plant) is closed when spraying occurs. Before we share anything with our readers, we like to get all our facts straight, so we went straight to the source and spoke with Kelly Pepper, who has been involved in cotton farming since the ‘80s and the manager of Texas Organic Marketing Cooperative.

His response? It depends on the time of the year and the situation.

There are two types of cotton harvesting: mechanical and hand-picked. The USA, Brazil, and Argentina are some of the countries that use mechanical harvesting, while cotton is picked by hand in most developing countries.

For mechanical harvesting, the plant is commercially defoliated by spraying the plant with herbicides, which causes the leaves to drop so the plant can be harvested without the leaves. If the leaves are not dried out, the green leaf of the boll can stain or be swiped up into the cotton gathering process, causing the cotton to be stained. The chemical defoliation application is made after a majority of the bolls are open which exposes the fiber to the chemical. In Texas, cotton is usually ready for harvesting in mid-October. The organic farmers will wait until a freeze around mid-November, which naturally causes the plant to drops its leaves.

Cotton that is picked by hand is less likely to be sprayed, but there’s still a possibility. When a plant grows, the lower branches will produce the boll first. As the plant continues to grow, the top of the plants may need to be sprayed with pesticides. Plants can still be sprayed for insects when the lower bolls are open and ready to be hand-picked. This means insecticides would be sprayed on the plant, landing on the open boll and contaminating the cotton.  


What would you like to learn more about in our next Facts Behind the Fiber?

How Safe is Your Scent?

A fellow survivor recently told us that when she spilled an air freshener in her home, it damaged the finish on her tile floor. Another person chimed in and explained that her husband's car air freshener leaked and damaged his dashboard. What’s in air fresheners that’s so powerful that they can create this type of damage you ask? CHEMICALS.

If the chemicals in these products are so strong that they can ruin dashboards and floor finishes, what are they doing to our health and the health of our children and pets? We shouldn't have them in our homes and around those we love. The Environmentally Protection Agency states that the air in our homes is 2 to 5 times (sometimes 100 times) more toxic than the great outdoor air!

Fragrance is so much more than a scent. When I get a waft of perfume, fabric softener, or hand sanitizer, my body reacts right away. I also can't stay in a room that has burning scented candles, since I'll become nauseous and get headaches. Once I realized the harmful effects, I switched to all natural products. Turns out, I never get headaches from non-manufactured products!

People misunderstand the concept of fragrance. Fragrances should be created from nature and natural products; not from perfume, fabric softener, and laundry detergents. The world is gifted with amazing natural aromas from flowers, essential oils, natural potpourri, citrus, and herbs!

Stay tuned for our next blog about essential oils. They're not only healthier and safer, they're also therapeutic! Your two legged and four-legged family members will thank you.

The Grandfather of Green Building

Our homes are where we seek refuge, peace, and recovery from what else is going on in the world.
— LaVerne Williams, CEO & Founder of Environment Associates

The Evolution of EA

Laverne Williams is a healthy living visionary and has been a Texas pioneer of energy efficient home design since 1975. Williams is recognized for his diligence and dedicated efforts for conserving our environment and health while significantly lowering the cost of living for his clients. He's one of the nation’s top green building professionals and has been awarded The Texas Legacy Project, Egret Award, and Houston Hero for the Environment. Williams has always been an avid lover of nature, and even confessed in our interview that his CB Radio handle in high school was “Nature Lover”. But it wasn't until he began having health issues that he combined it with his degree in architecture.

Feeling unsatisfied with the work he was conducting, he took a six-month sabbatical to reflect on to modify his work to something he was passionate about without damaging his health. He then decided to create an environmentally oriented architectural practice, Environment Associates. This was the first architectural practice dedicated exclusively to “eco-architecture” in the state of Texas. Quickly after its inceptions, clients began to contact Williams due to their own deteriorating health from substances that are prevalent in home design. EA has been providing customers with high performance green homes ever since.

Healthy Home, Healthy Life

Environment Associates mission is to improve quality of life on Earth through conscious indoor and outdoor design by using innovations such as solar power, net zero energy, net zero water, and organic landscaping among various other forms of sustainable technologies and designs. Williams explained that the first step in creating a sustainable and healthful home is the selection of the property. The functioning of a home can be optimized based on its orientation, which varies by location and climate, but performs best with southern exposure. It's also pertinent to have a garden, which confirms that food is clean and healthy.

We also discussed the current imbalance held on Earth, and how it was brought upon by man’s ignorance regarding the necessity for ecological balance. “This is when health problems arise for individuals and the planet. If we are going to have a healthy world we need to stop creating toxic waste while cleaning up the toxins we have already emit into the environment. The first step in doing so is creating an environmentally conscious home,” he explained. EA's project Houston Integral Urban Homeplace in the Heights demonstrates these principles and the interconnections between the land, the neighborhood, the larger city, and the planet as a whole. 

Healthy Living Pays

Williams believes the biggest challenge for sustainable and healthful design is the focus on making money and not creating quality of life. His goal is that this mentality will diminish over time through the decreased cost of living for residents of sustainable and healthful homes. This is not seen in the initial costs of creating or modifying a home, but rather the ongoing costs of reduced energy bills, medical bills, and an improved quality of life. The overall effect is a much lower cost of living. Although the advancement in sustainable and non-toxic technologies is exciting, it is exceedingly necessary to ensure that all of our technologies are working to revert our lives back to nature. Williams concludes that “There is a misconception that technology is the answer to many of our problems and I don’t believe it is. I believe mimicking nature is the answer.” 


From his work with the Sustainable Building Coalition to the Austin Green Building Program, LaVerne Williams' work has played an instrumental role in growing the green building movement.


Building a Breathing Wall: The Why & How

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I recently had the honor of speaking with George Swanson, a Consultant for natural home and commercial building, design, and construction. He is also a building biologist and advocates passionately for magnesium oxide wallboards, which is an alternative to gypsum-based drywall. These magnesium oxide boards, also known as MgO boards, allow walls to breathe.

You may be asking yourself: 'How can a wall breathe?' Well, I've asked myself the same thing, so after speaking with George I thought I would share my findings.

According to him, a “breathing” wall is not the wall’s ability to pass air through it, but the ability to pass water vapor. This is an especially important distinction when talking about insulation, because if your wall passes air through, you lose heat in the winter. In the summer months, the reverse happens - that hot, muggy air can pass through into your air-conditioned home. Walls must breathe to let the moisture out, or else that moisture becomes trapped. This makes your A.C. system work harder to dry out the insulation.

By building homes with MgO boards, you’re able to avoid these kinds of issues. Here are some more benefits of a breathing wall:

1. It has the highest mold and fire-resistance rating

The MgO board is non-combustible, a Class A building material, and virtually impervious to fire. It actually has the highest fire standard in the world, without any added chemicals or substances. It is also mold, fungus, and bug free because it is ‘non-nutritious’ to insects, fungus, and mold. Mold is simply not able to grow on it due to its salt content.

2. It’s non-toxic

It is free from asbestos, formaldehyde, and does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), such as lead and cadmium. These chemicals are toxic to human health and have short or long-term adverse health effects. Plus, some chemicals such as VOC’s even contribute to indoor air pollution. Many other insulations are generally free from formaldehyde, but often contain carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) and require a hazardous materials suit to be worn for installation.

Well, guess what? No hazmat suit is needed for MgO board installation due to its natural, chemical-free properties.

3. It’s versatile

Just like gypsum and cement sheathings (other construction materials), MgO boards are highly versatile. However, MgO boards can be used in many damp places because they can absorb water without reducing performance. Therefore, it can be used indoors and outdoors in areas such as ceilings, firewalls, partitions, shower stall tile backer board, and structural sheathing for metal or wood boards. Although it is not as flexible as drywall, it is more flexible than cement boards and has a high impact resistance.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has registered more than 80,000 toxic chemicals for use in construction, and 16,000 of those chemicals have been identified as chemicals of concern. That’s A LOT of chemicals! MgO boards are classified as a mineral and have a low carbon footprint, making them highly energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Introducing MgO boards into your home also introduces a cleaner breathing space.

For more info on breathing walls, Check out George’s book here.

Five-Star Green Home Visit Part 2

Last week we talked about a beautiful five-star green home owned by Tom Kolnowski, Founder of Digitized House Magazine. So, this week I wanted to share information and tips about the water, electric and geothermal systems installed in the home from Kolnowski himself. 

Creating an Efficient Water System

Tom: The home is located in drought-prone Central Texas Hill Country region, where a 30,000-gallon rainwater system is its only source of water. It has proven to be a rock-solid solution, never dropping below 70% of its capacity over the 3 years it has been in place.
He says that a rainwater harvesting system should be near the top of your checklist when you are contemplating the build or purchase of a high-performance, sustainable, and environmentally-responsible home. Ideally, the collection system, rainwater storage tank, and filtration setup should be designed and sized to supply 100% of your water needs both inside and outside of the home.

A Home Run on Solar Electricity

Tom: This dwelling, that we also use as the Zero Net Energy Living Lab house, was designed from the ground up to be nearly all-electric, with the intention to offset the bulk of that electrical usage with rooftop-mounted solar photovoltaics. The only exception to that was in the kitchen, where the cooktop was fueled by propane, as the gourmet-chef-in-residence was not willing to live with one of the new induction cooktops or a more conventional electric cooktop.

Everything else was designed to be 100% electrically-powered, including the remainder of the major appliances and all mechanical systems: aerobic waste treatment, rainwater harvesting, potable water treatment, water heating and recirculation systems. And, of course, the HVAC and fresh-air intake system.

Using Geothermal Cooling and Heating

Tom: We installed a single ClimateMaster Tranquility ground-source geothermal heat pump system to meet all cooling and heating needs, which is enabled through the drilling of four 300-foot deep geothermal wells on the property. This HVAC installation is controlled by three second-generation Nest smart thermostats—which are programmable, self-learning, sensor-driven, and Wi-Fi-enabled.

How well does this setup work with the Nests? Splendidly. When living in a near-zero net energy (ZNE) house, one must be ever-vigilant about energy consumption. The Nests go a long way toward minimizing kilowatts consumed for cooling, heating, and circulating fresh air. For example, the Auto-Away feature, where the Nests automatically set themselves back when they sense the house is unoccupied, is a notable energy saver. And the now-standard ability to remotely adjust the Nests anytime through a smartphone app, is much appreciated - particularly on those days when life throws you a curve.

And on those 100℉+ Texas summer days where cooling is king, the super-efficient geothermal system and the Nests do their part to deliver admirably on energy-saving goals.

Digitized House Magazine is an online source for homeowners who are interested in smart, sustainable, and zero-energy efficient homes.

Five-Star Green Home Visit

Recently I had the opportunity to visit Tom and Peggy Kolnowski at their five-star green home in Driftwood, Texas. Tom is the Founder of Digitized House Magazine, so I knew I would be in for a treat.

The peacefulness and calmness of their home captivated me from the moment I saw it. Everything was in harmony and – more importantly – everything was built to maximize sustainable practices and minimize destruction of valuable resources. And it is just beautiful.

The house capitalizes on natural light and was built to minimize harmful effects on human health and the environment, safeguarding air, water and the earth. Tom and Peggy built their home using optimal location on the land, overlooking stunning Texas vineyards that transport you to Tuscany – and they did it all without removing a single oak or cedar tree from their property.

Both the open and screened-in verandas are a perfect place for starting or ending your day, whether that’s relaxing with a beverage, reading, entertaining, dining or watching the sun set in that famous Texas sky.  

The flow throughout the home, the use of space and the ventilation systems were all designed for efficient heating and cooling. A 30,000-gallon rain harvesting tank that holds the equivalent to 1750 average showers was installed and, within two months, was filled with rain-water in our drought ridden climate.

To this day, it has never dropped below 70% of its capacity in the 3 years it has been in place.  

The Kolnowskis set out to create a safe, sustainable five-star green home, and that’s exactly what they did. To reduce electricity, they installed energy-efficient lighting and appliances. To lower water consumption, they installed water-saving plumbing fixtures.  And, to eliminate the emission of volatile organic compounds, they built their home with non-toxic materials.

The end result is a home that uses very little energy, conserves water and is free of toxic off-gassing. 

In my next post, I’ll go into more detail about the rain harvesting system, solar panels and geothermal features. Stay tuned!

Digitized House Magazine is an online source for homeowners who are interested in smart, sustainable, and zero-energy efficient homes.

Rainwater Tea and a Green Home Tour


I organized a home tour so those interested in learning about green products and professionals could hear first-hand from a homeowner on the benefits of building one for yourself. It was a fabulous afternoon spent with a great group of people that are passionate about learning more about what it means to live in a sustainable, non-toxic world. 

We saw first-hand how rainwater can be captured and used onsite. And the homemade orange-infused Texas rainwater prepared by Peggy Kolnowski for the tour was simply delicious! It prepped us for the enticing questions and answers that lay ahead. We sipped and listened while Tom Kolnowski educated us on the green sustainable features in their home. 

He covered everything from the paint to the minute details of the inner workings of their heating and cooling system.

One thing I particularly loved, though, was Tom's demonstration of their Integrated Vacuum system, which helped everyone understand how best to keep dust out of their home. He explained that, in their last home, when Peggy would start to vacuum he immediately had to reach for his inhaler and leave the house. He wasn't being overly sensitive - as it turned out, the micro dust was sneaking through the HEPA filter.

 The photo above shows more details and insights shared from the event:

4 Ways to Naturally Increase Air Quality in Your Home

This year has brought about some pretty nerve-wracking revelations regarding air pollution. For instance, the Global Burden of Disease project estimated that - on an annual basis - over 5.5 million people are dying prematurely from illnesses associated with increased levels of air pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that Americans spend between 80-90% of our time indoors and that indoor air pollution can potentially be more harmful than ambient air pollution. The EPA has even named indoor air pollution as one of the greatest public health risks!

It is essential, then, to reduce your home of indoor toxins in order to better your own health and the health of the planet. As Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General, said: “A healthy environment underpins a healthy population.”

So, here are four easy and efficient ways to make the air within your home cleaner and more conducive to a healthy lifestyle:  

1. Open your windows

The easiest and most inexpensive way to improve indoor air quality is to simply open your windows. Just a few minutes of fresh air can reduce the accumulation of damaging pollutants which - left undisturbed - can stagnate inside of a home. Just be mindful of the allergy count in the area you live in. Some regions have seasons that are more likely to activate your allergies and cause more irritation for your health.

2. Decorate with Houseplants

Beautiful and cleansing, indoor houseplants are not only great for brightening up your home but are also powerful detoxifiers of various air pollutants. The American Society for Horticultural Science reported that plant species such as snake plants, spider plants and golden pothos are most effective in reducing pollutants such as ozone. Add a few to your home decor and you'll obtain a spa-like botanical aesthetic while cleaning the air from within!

3. Start Using an Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oils smell great while inducing a sedative effect that can increase positive feelings. As if that doesn't sound great enough, these oils are also proven to clear your mind AND harmful toxins from the air. How? Essential oils have antibiotic and anti-carcinogenic properties which can significantly inhibit the growth of airborne bacteria. So, when diffused throughout your home, they are actively working toward cleaner indoor air.

4. Exchange your Current Lamp for a Salt Lamp

Salt lamps are made from Himalayan salt crystals and work as a powerful air purifier. When the lamp is lit it emits negative ions that bind to positively charged toxins while helping to remove them from the air. Additionally, they have been shown to naturally remove allergens such as smoke, pet dander, pollens and other air pollutants - all while radiating an amber glow that is beautiful and relaxing!

- Stacia Sheputa

Give Your Furry Friends Some Extra Love for National Pet Day

Today is National Pet Day and, as if we needed another excuse to spoil our pets, it's a perfect opportunity to take a look at some of the products and toys they use each day. Just like humans, animals are susceptible to the illnesses and diseases that are caused by harmful toxins and off-gassing. One particular culprit is their bed. 

Finding that just-right pet bed is often hard as there are so many fabric choices, sizes, thicknesses and colors to choose from. But have you ever thought about what the beds are made of and treated with?

Did you know that many pet beds are treated with flame retardant chemicals - which are highly toxic to both humans and pets? Some even contain chemicals such as triclosan, which is an antimicrobial chemical that also acts an endocrine disruptor. For those who don’t know, an endocrine disruptor interacts with the body’s hormone system, and in this case, alters it.

Now, why would we want our precious pets to sleep on such harmful chemicals? What if they chew on the bed and ingest these toxins? Our pets love to sleep on couches and carpets throughout the home that may be manufactured with harmful chemicals, and they can spend up to 18 hours a day sleeping, so why would we want to expose our furry friends to anything but toxic-free materials for prolonged periods of time?

Fortunately, there are many alternatives for finding that just-right organic pet bed.

That word “organic” is thrown around a lot these days, but what does it truly mean? Well, it depends on what you’re buying. In this case, it means that your product is made from organic cotton or another organic material, and it’s not manufactured or filled with products that contain harmful chemicals. In short, by choosing organic and toxic-free pet beds, you are giving your pet a clean and healthy space to rest on.

So, what kind of things do you look for when choosing a toxic-free pet bed?

  1. Check if the inserts and covers are made from organic materials.
  2. Know that products may say, “Made of Recycled Plastic Bottles.” However, just remember that plastic bottles are also made with chemicals.
  3. Make sure the products are not manufactured or produced with toxic chemicals.

Earlier this year we received an inquiry regarding pet beds. So Green For A Reason set out to research where we can find better alternatives. And we found a few great ones. Here are some of our suggestions:

1. We talked to a happy pet owner who purchased Holy Lamb Organics and she and her pup are thrilled with the pet bed. In addition to using all natural materials and organic cotton fabrics, Holy Lamb Organics reuse, recycle, or compost every material used in production.

2. The Wool Bed Company has 100% natural organic wool inserts and organic cotton covers available in beige.

3. If you have a large pet The Futon Shop will customize a bed for you! They have four chemical free choices on inserts - depending on how firm your pet likes their bed; 1) Coconut husk and wool 2) Latex and wool, 3) Organic cotton and 4) Pure wool. Choose their chemical free mattress cover and your pet will be resting on a chemical free pet bed in no time!

What about you? Are you just starting your journey to rid your home of toxins, or do you already have pet products you use and love? I'd love to hear your recommendations!

Advancing Eco-friendly, Health-Conscious Cities in 2017


As we say good bye to 2016, it is safe to say that the environment has experienced a turbulent year. From having record-breaking global surface temperatures to experiencing the most drastic Arctic melting in history, and suffering multiple severe storms, it is pretty easy to look at 2016 as a breaking point for our planet.

However - although this year has been full of challenging situations - there is still reason to stay optimistic in our environmental efforts. For instance, 74% of American adults believe that “the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment,” and the vast majority of Americans reported that they “recycle or reduce waste to protect the environment whenever possible.” Additionally, cities like Austin and Boston have increased cross-collaborations within their governments to promote advanced healthy communities for both their residents and ecosystems.

This idea of communities that openly promote public and environmental health encouraged me to research 2016’s top ten healthiest and “greenest” cities in the U.S.

To my surprise, five cities - Washington D.C., Minneapolis, Portland (Oregon), San Francisco and San Diego - topped the list in both the healthiest city and the greenest city categories. This data does perhaps reveal a correlation between the two - that healthy environments promote healthy communities and vice versa.

Based on these statistics, I also chose to look at similarities that the cities share to promote an environmentally sound and healthful community.

One of the most frequently seen factors was having vast green spaces and parks for residents to walk, bike and relax. City parks also work to combat the negative effects of climate change by providing powerful ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration - a process where trees, grass, and other plant species consume atmospheric carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Many public park spaces have also banned smoking, which is instrumental in providing a city with clean air.

These cities actively promote efficient forms of transportation such as public transport, riding a bike and walking, encouraging daily exercise while also limiting carbon dioxide levels that are emitted into the atmosphere through car use. And finally, these cities are also notorious for providing fresh and local produce through organizing frequent farmers markets, allowing residents to eat nutritious meals while minimizing the transportation associated with acquiring food in far-ranging regions.

So, as 2017 gears up, it is immensely important to continue our environmental efforts for the sake of our health and the health of the planet. If possible, walk or ride a bike to work, spend a relaxing weekend in a park or purchase groceries from your local farmer’s market.

- Stacia Sheputa

Resolutions to Make for Your Home and Health This Year


January is a wonderful time to evaluate the accomplishments you've made over the past year while assessing the challenges that still present themselves. With this sense of self-reflection, making goals for bettering yourself can be an easy task - believe me! Here, I've put together five simple New Year’s resolutions and actions you can take to increase your personal health and the healthfulness within your home throughout the new year and beyond.

Switch to nontoxic makeup and toiletries

Modern day cosmetics contain many harmful toxins that can seep in through your skin and negatively affect your health over time. A great way to avoid these unwanted chemicals is to purge your makeup and toiletry cabinet. If you are having a difficult time figuring out which products are safe and which ones should be thrown away, you can use the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) cosmetics database to see the toxicity rating of over 64,000 products.

Update your bedding

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary and a place where you can relax after a long day. The best way to ensure you are getting optimal and healthful rest is by having clean and non-toxic bedding. Commonly made bedroom materials are filled with toxic chemicals such as dyes and formaldehyde. Make sure that your mattress, pillows, and sheets are made of the highest quality materials to start each day rejuvenated and full of energy.

Switch to non-toxic cleaning products

Like many cosmetics, cleaning products also frequently contain harmful toxins, such as phthalates, ammonia, chlorine and more. To ensure the healthfulness within your home it is essential to use the best quality and most natural forms of cleaning products. To do this, you could buy non-toxic and organic cleaning products from your local store. To see the ranking of your current products (and some alternative options) you can check the EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning.

Paint your home with Non-Volatile Organic Compound paint

It is amazing how a new paint color can bring a completely different mood to your home! For the New Year, I am painting a few rooms in my home neutral, relaxing colors that induce a spa-like, restful feeling. I plan to use Dunn Edwards paint because of the beautiful color selection and the brand's commitment to toxic-free paint ingredients.

Clean unwanted clutter

The importance of indoor cleaning is unparalleled in terms of the healthfulness within your home. I find that there is no better way to bring in the New Year than by having a major cleaning in my home. I do this specifically by donating items that are no longer useful or relevant to me. This always provides me a clearer frame of mind, while also removing stagnant air pollutants from my home. To learn more about the importance of tidying your home check out Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.” It will change your whole outlook on cleaning!

Grow an indoor herb garden

I love the idea of using different plants to decorate your home while ridding the indoor air of harmful pollutants. Why not add to that and grow fresh herbs that also taste delicious? Starting an indoor herb garden will ensure that your herbs are fresh, organic and healthy while increasing air quality within your home.

Cook organic (preferably local) meals

Cooking organic meals with fresh and local produce is a wonderful resolution for the New Year. This is a powerful way to make a positive environmental impact while also being conscious of the nutrition you are consuming. My personal goal is to cook a nutrient-packed meal for my friends and family members at least once a week. This will allow me to spend quality time with the people that matter most while sharing a delicious and nutritious meal.

With that, I hope all your resolutions will be manifested into healthy actions this year and beyond! 

- Stacia Sheputa

Healthy Home Tips

1. Keep a mat inside and outside of your door for wiping your feet.

2. Remove your shoes when entering your home so you don’t track chemicals and allergens in.

3. Do not use toxic air fresheners in your home, instead invest in an essential oil diffuser.

4. Do not use dryer sheets, instead use dryer balls.

5. Use non-toxic cleaning products in your home.

6. Open your windows and let the fresh air in (when pollen count is low).

7. Check out NASA’s clean air study and recommended houseplants. 

8. Use organic sheets and blankets We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping.

9. Purchase organic mattress topper and pillows.

10. Invest in an organic mattress.

11. Paint or stain with no or low VOC sustainable, eco-friendly, non-toxic, paints and stains.

12. Purchase curtain fabrics and window treatments that have no toxic chemicals added.

13. Remove carpeting, it hides chemicals and is a breeding ground for dust mites.

14. Use eco-friendly flooring like ceramic tile, cork or wood that has not been treated with a toxic finish.

15. Purchase an area rug that has no chemicals or toxic dyes and that can be easily cleaned.

16. Buy solid wood furniture that has been finished with non VOC products.

17. Hire a landscaper who does not spray chemicals.

18. Plant the correct plants for your area and climate.

19. Purchase products from a reputable retail store like TreeHouse who research all their products.

20. Check out the Green Professionals on Green For A Reason for bigger jobs like building or remodeling.

Why am I Passionate About Getting Toxins out of our Homes?

I am a cancer conqueror. I can’t just survive this disease, I cannot be a cancer survivor, I have to conqueror it.  

It all came to a head when I was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. Like most people, when cancer returns it is far worse the second time around. This time, I was truly fighting for my life. My first diagnosis did not scare me into doing anything different, but my second one? It was so severe that I knew I had to do something different in order to save my own life.

So, I started by informing myself. My research started with my family of origin: 50% of my family members have been diagnosed with cancer. But none of my other relatives have had cancer. I was born and raised in a small village and none of our direct neighbors have had cancer. What was left but my - our - home environment?

It was through research that I uncovered the toxic products each and every one of us have in our homes, in what is supposed to be our safe havens. The products we use to build our homes, the furniture and paint we decorate with, our kitchen cabinets, carpets, flooring, curtains, mattresses, they are all releasing toxic chemicals into the air we breathe.  

While looking for less toxic products to put in my home, I found no directories, no resources and no common places where people could easily find builders, painters, interior designers, architects and products. So, I was inspired to start the first resource image directory of Green products and Green professionals.

We all have a part in the overall health of our personal, professional and global environment and we can take small steps like using Zero VOC paint, buying furniture, mattresses and fabrics that have low or no toxins. If you are building a new home or renovating, contact an architect and/or builder who has expertise in more sustainable products. And if you need some inspiration, check out Green For A Reason’s growing directory.

If you are a green professional or have green residential products contact us here.

I want to make a difference; I care and believe that we all can live in a healthier environment.  This is so incredibly important for us and for generations to come.